Sing With Jennifer Direct Hydration
Sing With Jennifer
If you think drinking water, sipping teas, and eating fruits and veggies is all you need to do to hydrate your cords. You are in for an awakening when it comes to achieving optimal hydration. You've only achieved 1/3.
Up Next in Sing With Jennifer
Sing with Jennifer External Hydration
External Hydration is the last missing piece to achieving optimal hydration. It's function
is to ensures that there is adequate moisture in the air. Watch and find out what you can do to improve the air that you breathe by adding moisture to it. -
SWJ Mucus
As a singer I can literally write a book on the trials and tribulations that I have experienced with mucus. Lol! I can laugh about it now however, It definitely wasn't funny then. Through my experience I can tell you this much, understanding and knowledge is key. That was the only way I was final...
Water vs lubricator
When you are performing and the need to want to quench your dry or soar throat is overwhelming. If you think the answer to your troubles is a bottle of water! Think again!